Linda's 70th Celebration
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Linda is so excited to be sharing her 70th birthday with friends and family from near and far!
We have fun and games in store – along with love, laughter, and shenanigans!
As a reminder, the date of the party is January 21st. We’ve rented a nice sized VRBO house at Lake Whitney for 4 nights; January 19th – January 23rd. With the VRBO house, along with our own home just a few miles away, we invite you to stay overnight. Come earlier or stay later; we’ll make that work too. There is no cost to you for the VRBO or meals; however, any donations and love offerings will be appreciated.
Party day food and beverages are planned and provided. If you have a favorite adult beverage, there are package stores very close by. Although, Linda’s favorites will be featured throughout the day. Meals and snacks on the other days can be planned and provided by other families or groups of friends who want to join together.
What a great opportunity to share time with Linda, her family, and friends!! Hope to see you soon!!
We need your details... PLEASE DO NOT RSVP TO THIS WEBSITE: Please reply by text or call to Katrina (817)300-8896 or Linda (303)919-6840 with answers to the following questions:
Are you coming?
How many adults, how many kids?
When will you arrive?
Do you plan to stay overnight?
Will you need a place to sleep?
When do plan on leaving?
If you are flying, what are your dates, and will you need transportation to/from which airport?
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- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
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- CVV: 123
- ZIP / Postal code: 12345
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The operation can be done once for your current event as well as for all future events.
Payments are in test mode
When entering credit card information, use following credentials for test payment:
- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Card expiration date: 12 / 25
- CVV: 123
- ZIP / Postal code: 12345
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