Simplify your event planning with PartyLabz's guest list tool. It makes tracking your guests and their RSVPs easy.
Find your event's guest list on a dedicated "Guest List" page, accessible from the event Dashboard. Here, you can manage your guests, view their RSVP statuses, sort, search, and even download and print your guest list.
In the table with the guests you can see their names, guest code, contact information, group a guest in, if guest is marked as a starred guest, how many people a guest brings, RSVP status, how guest RSVP'd and depending on selected sorting you can see time when guest RSVP'd, time when guest visited your event website, or when guest checked in.
You can easily see how each guest RSVP'd by checking the marker next to their RSVP status in the guest list table:
- Host: Shows when you or a co-host set the guest's RSVP status.
- Web: Indicates the guest RSVP'd through your event website.
- Sms: Means the guest RSVP'd by texting one of PartyLabz's shared phone numbers with your event code.
- Call: Shows the guest RSVP'd by calling one of PartyLabz's shared phone numbers.
If you need to, you can visit your event website as if you were one of your guests. Here's how:
- Click on the three dots next to the guest's name to open their menu.
- Choose "Guest's URL" from the menu.
- In the popup that appears, click the "Go" button. This will open a new tab or window.
- You're now viewing your event exactly how your guest would. From here, you can RSVP for them, answer polls, sign up for activities, and more.
You can manage when guests check in and out. Here's how:
- Click on the three dots next to the guest's name to open their menu.
- To set the time, choose "Guest Check In" or "Guest Check Out" from the menu. Later on, you can use guest check-in flag when sending an email/text to guests from the "Messaging Center" page.
- To remove the time, select "Remove huest check in" or "Remove huest check out" from the menu.
Starred guests
You can mark certain guests as important by clicking the star icon next to their name. To unmark them, just click the star again. What the star means is up to you, the host or co-host. You might use it to keep track of certain guests, or to highlight VIPs, speakers, and so on. Right now, starring guests mainly lets you filter them in your list. There aren't any other special actions for starred guests yet.
How to add guests
Here are the ways you can add guests to your Guest List:
- Guests self-register: Share your event's website URL. Guests visit your site, head to the RSVP page, fill out the form, and submit it.
- Adding guests one by one Use the "Add - Add a guest" option. Perfect if you're only inviting a few people.
- Adding guests in bulk: Select "Add - Add guests in bulk" to copy and paste names, emails, and phone numbers from a .CSV file. This is great for when you're inviting lots of guests.
- Importing guests from Google Contacts: You need to let PartyLabz access your Google Contacts. Then, you can pick which emails or phone numbers to add.
- Importing guests from previous events: Choose this if you're hosting an event for the same group as before.
Adding or editing a guest
Here's what you can keep track of for each guest:
- Guest Unique Code: A special code for each guest, created by the system. Use it on the "Scan quest's QR code" page. Example code: WH29BD
- Name: Your guest's name. They can choose to give their first name, full name, or whatever they prefer.
- Email: The guest's email address. It's used for sending RSVP confirmations, reminders, or messages from you or co-hosts.
- Phone: The guest's phone number. If you plan to text your guests through PartyLabz, ensure the numbers are in international format, like +14031234567.
- Address*: The guest's mailing address, written out as normal text.
- Age*: How old (in years) your guest is.
- Company*: The place where your guest works.
- Job Title*: What your guest does at their job.
- Group*: The group your guest is in. Guests might pick during RSVP, or you can assign or randomly place guests in groups.
RSVP Status: Guest's RSVP status:
- Uknown - this means that you have added this guest and they guest did not visit your event website with their personal link.
- Hasn't Decided - the guest visited your event website with their personal link but have not RSVP'd yet.
- Isn't going - the guest RSVP'd as not attending your event.
- Maybe going - the guest RSVP'd as maybe attending your event.
- Is going - the guest RSVP'd as attending your event.
- Maximum "Total Guests" value. Sets a limit on how many people a guest can bring. It only works when the guest uses their special link to RSVP.
- Total Guests. Shows the total number of people the guest is bringing, including themselves. A value of 1 means they're coming alone, 2 means they're bringing someone, and so on.
Note that the fields marked by "*" are visible only when you enabled corresponding questions on the "RSVP Settings - Standard Questions" page.

Downloading and printing
Here are the actions availabe for you as the event wesbite host or co-host:
- Download - the system will generate a CSV file and then get it downloaded to your computer.
- Print Guests - a page to be used for printing your guest list sorted in alphabetical order
- Print Guests By Groups - a page to be used for printing your guest list grouped by groups and sorted in alphabetical order in each group
- Print Badges - a page to be used for printing badges for your guests.
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