PartyLabz offers guests different ways to RSVP to events. You can do it online, through a text message, or with a phone call.
The default way for guests to respond to invitations is through Online RSVP, which is free for small events with basic functionality. However, if you want your guests to be able to RSVP by text or phone call, you'll need a paid plan.
After upgrading, a unique digital event code is created for text or call RSVPs. Find it on the "Phone Numbers" section of the event "Dashboard" page.

You can change the event code anytime on the "RSVP Settings" page by entering a number in the "Unique numeric Event Code to RSVP" input.

On the "Guest List" page, the system shows how each guest RSVP'd. "sms" means text, and "call" means a phone call.
If someone RSVPs by phone, you will see a phone number, not a name. Click "Edit," to open a guest edit dialog. This is where you can listen to the name the guest said during their RSVP over a call, and type it in the guest name input.
Guests who RSVP over text or over a call get back a text with a confirmation with a link. This link lets them visit the event website, participate in polls (like choosing meal preferences), sign up for activities (like signing up for activities, volunteering), or change their RSVP.

PartyLabz lets hosts customize responses the system sends to guests upon receiving their RSVP. You can go to the "Custom Messages" page and change responses for each of cases: when guest responded as attending, maybe attending and not attending your event.

Remember, the system might remove the event code after the event, so you or someone else could use it again in future events.
It is important to know that PartyLabz does not have advanced RSVP features for RSVP received over text and phone calls, like custom or standard questions about age, company and so on.
Read the "How To RSVP" article to understand how RSVP process looks from the guests' perspective.
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